
Born in 1893 to assist emigrants to the colonies and to the Americas, it was formed in 1924 under the name “Espresso Bagagli”. It was only in the 1970’s that it assumed the current denomination. In the privatization of the “IRI / Finmare Group”, it was acquired by current shareholders. Saimare’s know-how is the result of over 100 years of experience beside shipping and logistics operators. Today, the Saimare network is one of the most important players at national and European level. It carries out services covering the entire assistance cycle relating to cargo, ships, crews and passengers. It is constantly developing its presence in the area, focusing on the quality and excellence of the service, being supported by a modern and efficient computer system.


Saimare S.p.A.
Via Scarsellini 155, 16149 - Genova


Saimare S.p.A.
Via Privata Oto 57, 19136 - La Spezia


Saimare S.p.A.
Via Trieste 25, 17047 - Vado Ligure


Saimare S.p.A.
Via della Torre Martino 14b, 28100 Novara


Saimare Livorno srl
Via delle Cateratte 82, 57122 - Livorno


Saimare S.p.A.
Palazzina ex Uso Calata Vittorio Veneto, 80133 - Napoli


Saimare S.p.A.
Via Ligea 112, 84121 Salerno


Saimare S.p.A.
Via Monfalcone 10, 74121 Taranto


Saimare Gioia Tauro srl (Cagliari)
Largo Carlo Felice 18, 09124 - Cagliari


Saimare Gioia Tauro srl
Str. Zona Industriale II Prov. di RC, 89026 - San Ferdinando (RC)

The company

Customer service is provided by direct and indirect, professionally qualified employees, accredited customs operators, also having the professional qualifications of freight forwarders and shipping agents.

Thanks to more than 100 years of experience in shipping and integrated logistics Saimare has been the selected partner in the experimentation of innovative projects launched by the Customs Administration at national level.


Saimare aims to strengthen its presence on the relevant markets by focusing on the qualifying points of its strategic action through the enhancement of corporate assets and external indicators that enable to find development opportunities, including through new coalitions.

Saimare is increasingly oriented to distinguish itself from its competitors by offering an ever better range of services that allows the customer to consider the company as a reference point for the satisfaction of their needs.

Saimare has made innovation its daily challenge by anticipating customers’ trends and needs.
Saimare intended to establish a clear and unambiguous meaning through its mission, useful to ensure the very reason for its existence and the end of its organization.

Corporate Governance

Saimare adopts the traditional system of administration and control, which entrusts the corporate management to the Board of Directors and assigns the control functions to the board of auditors.

Saimare’s governance system and rules have some precise definitions based on a corporate management that excludes all forms of ambiguity and, on the contrary, allows transparency, sharing of rules and information.

This system was implemented with the adoption of codes, principles and procedures that characterize the activities of the various organizational and operational components and are constantly subject to reviews and updates to effectively respond to the evolution of the regulatory environment and to the change in the operational practices.

Organisational Model

Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001 introduced the discipline of corporate administrative liability. According to that discipline, companies may be held responsible, and therefore sanctioned, in relation to certain offenses committed or attempted in the interest or benefit of the company by the management or the employees.

Saimare has already adopted the organization, management and control model since 15 December 2005, to ensure the prevention of illicit behavior by the management and employees in carrying out business activities.

Ethical code

On 15 December 2005 Saimare adopted the Code of Ethics defining values and responsibilities that the company recognizes, accepts, shares and assumes while conducting and carrying out its business activities through its own directors, employees and collaborators of any kind.

The Code, in continuity with what foreseen by the previous standards of conducts, provides for fairness, integrity, honesty, dignity and respect the legitimate interests of customers, employees, partners and the community in which the company is present.


Article 13 Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
The data processor is Saimare SpA, based in Genoa, Via Scarsellini 155.
Saimare collects customer and suppliers data and processes them exclusively for purposes related to its business. Data processing is performed with the consent of the concerned parties, ensuring everyone’s absolute right on their data.

Rights of the interested parties
Article. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 gives the subjects to which the personal data refer to the right at any time to obtain the confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them, to know the content and origin, to verify its accuracy, to ask for it integration, updating, rectification or deletion.


  • Spinelli
  • F.lli Cosulich S.p.a
  • Finservice Soc.Fin P.A. (Fam. Scerni)
  • Clerici Holding S.r.l.
  • Fin. Bi Srl (Fam. Besozzi)
  • Compagnia Italiana Nav. - Tirrenia S.p.a.
  • Altri

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