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Circolari Terminal San Benigno – port gate out/in – processo di digitalizzazione – costo emissione badge temporanei / San Benigno Terminal circular letters – port gate out/in – digitalization process – cost for the issue of temporary badges

By 3 Giugno 2020Bacheca

Spett.le Clientela,

con la presente si allegano le circolari dei Terminal relative al nuovo fee di ingresso ed uscita previsto da Autorità Portuale a partire dall’1 Luglio 2020. Inoltre si allega circolare Autorità Portuale relativa al processo di digitalizzazione del porto e infine si specifica quanto elencato sulle circolari dei Terminal relativamente all’argomento “badge temporanei”, viene appunto indicato che questo servizio avrà un costo di 10 €/badge, dal quarto badge emesso per lo stesso autista, il costo sarà di 30 €/badge.

Distinti saluti


Dear Customer,

we enclose the circular letters concerning the new entry/exit fee called by Port Authority from 1st July 2020. The fee will be € 6 charged by each gate forwarder for each full container/trailer, both import and export,  passing through San Benigno gate.

Another topic of the circular letters of the Terminals and the Port Authority is the new “Digitization process” for the communication of the various actors of each shipment. We could summarize this topic saying that the goal of the Port Authority is to limit the presence of drivers at the gate offices and this can be achieved by using more and more the electronic transmission of data (MRN through web platform, etc.).

Finally, the last subject of the circular letters regards the issue of “temporary badges”: that service will have a cost of € 10/each badge; starting from the fourth badge issued for the same driver, the cost will be € 30/each badge.

Best regards

CIRC489-2020     CIRC490-2020    CIRC491-2020

Author Editore Saimare

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