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Genoa Morandi bridge collapse

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The collapse of Morandi bridge is a real tragedy for the loss of many people’s life and a deep wound for the entire Genovese community.

In this difficult moment we have received plenty of messages in which you have expressed your sincere sympathy towards us. These are a demonstration of the relationship of esteem and confidence that connects each other, but even more, they represent a great encouragement to face the difficulties that are awaiting us in the next months.

We wish to thank all of You for the support you have demonstrated to us and, at the same time, we want to assure that all of Saimare SpA staff and the Management Department are united in the commitment to make the company activities continue regularly in order to keep the efficiency and the standard of our services unchanged.


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Spett.le Clientela,

Vi informiamo che è stato proclamato uno sciopero nazionale dei lavoratori portuali e marittimi per il giorni 11/05/2018

Non potendo stabilire in anticipo il grado di partecipazione allo sciopero, la normale operatività durante le suddetta giornata non può essere garantita.

Distinti saluti.

Dear customers,

We inform you that a national strike of port and maritime workers has been proclaimed for 11 May 2018

As we are not able to predict the rate of participation to the strike, the normal routine in the operations cannot be assured.

Best regards.


ETA Elyssa 02/01/18

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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Elyssa è prevista arrivare a Genova oggi 02/01 alle ore 22:00 circa.

Tutte le operazioni doganali verranno effettuate domani mercoledi 03/01.

Distinti saluti.

Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Elyssa is scheduled to arrive in Genoa today  02nd of January around 10:00 pm.

All the Custom documents will be done on Wednesday 03th of January

ETA Amilcar 21/12

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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Amilcar è prevista arrivare a Genova oggi 21/12 alle ore 21:00 circa.

Tutte le operazioni doganali verranno effettuate venerdi 22/12.

Distinti saluti.

Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Stena Forecaster is scheduled to arrive in Genoa today  21th of December around 09:00 pm.

All the Custom documents will be done on Friday 22th of December

ETA Stena Forecaster 16/12

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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Stena Forecaster è prevista arrivare a Genova domani 16/12 alle ore 13:00 circa.

Tutti i documenti verranno emessi domani 16/12 e saranno a disposizione presso il nostro ufficio di San Benigno sino alle ore 16:00 .

Il varco di uscita resterà aperto sino alle ore 18:00 grazie al fuori orario richiesto.

IMPORTANTE: Chi non li ritirerà entro quest’orario, potrà farlo lunedì 18/12 dalle ore 08:00.

Distinti saluti.


Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Stena Forecaster is scheduled to arrive in Genoa tomorrow 16th of December around 01:00 o’clock pm.

All the documents will be issued tomorrow 16th of December and they will be ready at San Benigno gate till 04:00 o’clock pm.

The gate will be open untill 6:00 o’clock pm, due to the Overtime Authorization requested.

WARNING: The documents that you won’t pick up before this time, will be avaible only on Monday 18th of December from 8:00 am.

Best regards.

ETA Stena Forecaster 07/12

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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Stena Forecaster è prevista arrivare a Genova domani 07/12 alle ore 15:00 circa.

Tutte le operazioni doganali verranno effettuate giovedì 07/12.

Distinti saluti.

Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Stena Forecaster is scheduled to arrive in Genoa tomorrow  07th of December around 03:00 pm.

All the Custom documents will be done on Thursday 07th of December


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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Elyssa è prevista arrivare a Genova oggi 23/11 alle ore 23:00 circa.

Tutte le operazioni doganali verranno effettuate domani venerdì  24/11.

Distinti saluti.

Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Elyssa is scheduled to arrive in Genoa today the 23rd of November around 11:30 pm.

All the Custom documents will be done tomorrow Friday 24th of November.


Digital transportation routes

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IoT and big data: opportunities and risks of the digital transformation

4° Forum Shipping & Intermodal Transport

We look forward to you on November 20th!

SAIMARE SPA, leader company in international shipping services, with its President Barlomeo GIACHINO, will attend the MedTelegraph conference on “DIGITAL TRANSPORTATION ROUTES”, on Monday 20/11 at 9.30 am at San Giogio Palace – Genoa.

ETA Stena Forecaster 17/11

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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Stena Forecaster è prevista arrivare a Genova domani 17/11 alle ore 06:30 circa.

Tutte le operazioni doganali verranno effettuate venerdì  17/11.

Distinti saluti.

Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Stena Forecaster is scheduled to arrive in Genoa today the 17nd of November at around 06:30 am.

All the Custom documents will be done on Friday  17 of November.

ETA Amilcar 13/11

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Spett.le Clientela,

la presente per informarVi che la nave Amilcar è prevista arrivare a Genova oggi 13/11 in tarda nottata  .

Tutte le operazioni doganali verranno effettuate domani Martedì 14/11 .

Dear Customers,

we inform you that the ship Amilcar  is scheduled to arrive in Genoa today the 13 of November in late night.

Customs clearence  will be done tomorrow tuesday 14/11 .

Best regards.